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CEDECS-TCBL will meet you on June 22 and 23, 2022 for the CreativeWear Plus project: final conference and exhibition at the Fabric Museum in Prato (Italy). To know more :


CreativeWear Plus

An exciting challenge!

Developing a textile – clothing sector that is as sustainable as it is creative is an exciting adventure. Designers presented their research and achievements during an online round table offered by the French hub PRISME and the Greek hub CréThiDev. These testimonies were followed by discussions on the questions to be resolved, in particular on the need to slow down the pace of production, to use all opportunities to rework existing materials or clothing to keep the emotion and style of the garment, to re-educate fine motor skills to appreciate the gesture of sewing and to re-enchant the imagination of circular creation.

Among the projects presented the artist's Athenian project Melissanthi Spei is open to crowdfunding until June 18. He offers many compensations in thanks.



Create strong and lasting connections

This is the challenge of the Herewear community, which currently brings together around a hundred members. Beyond privileged access to online information, members of the Herewear community get to know each other by discussing their concerns and by collectively testing, in real conditions, solutions to develop a bio-sourced textile – clothing sector , local and circular, as was recently the case in Campania, around the Luigi Van Vitelli University.

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Access innovation

One of the founding values of the project is to enable women to develop their technical and creative skills to put them at the service of innovation and transformation of the textile – clothing sector. Discover the principles of the project's concrete actions on the shemakes site.



European strategy for a sustainable and circular textile industry

On March 30, 2022, the European Commission adopted this strategy, and chose examples to illustrate it, including the Herewear project. In parallel with this law, a proposed Regulation revises the ecodesign directive: the“sustainable products initiative” or SPI (Sustainable Product Initiative). Open for contribution until the beginning of June, this initiative “for more durable, reusable, repairable, recyclable and energy-efficient products that will benefit consumers, the environment and the climate” will also look at the presence of harmful chemicals in products such as textiles and electronic equipment, furniture, steels-cements-chemicals. Download Textiles Factsheet here.


CEDECS-TCBL SAS is the external evaluator of this ERASMUS project which aims to bridge the gap in university-business collaboration in the field of specialized services for the textile industry by creating, in partner countries, three new training centers textile innovation in two Jordanian universities (BAU and JUST) and in a Moroccan university (Hassan II University of Casablanca). As part of this mission CEDECS-TCBL participated in the Final Conference of this project in Amman and visited the center created at the University of BAU AI SALT (Jordan) on May 23, 24 and 25, 2022. Read more


Back to the sashiko

This 16th century Japanese technique had multiple functions: 1/ assemble several layers of fabric to create warmer or more protective clothing, i.e. against fires, 2/ reinforce clothing used daily to prevent wear or 3/ repair-patch worn clothes. This simple and domestic gesture takes on its full meaning in the context of sustainable fashion.

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Dreaming of cooperatives?

The cooperative model of the social and solidarity economy has demonstrated its resilience by continuing to develop despite the pandemic, probably because this model puts at the heart of respect for our humanity, an effective shield against the normalization of the world's uncertainties. In Europe, 176,000 cooperatives work with 4.7 million employees and serve 141 million members.

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Alliance 3Z

A look back at the 2020 edition of 100 concrete solutions for tomorrow to aim for zero exclusion, zero carbon and zero poverty, the 12th edition of this file, published by Convergences.

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Gender stereotypes

According to a CSA study, 36% of girls at middle school level in France have already been victims of gender stereotypes (7 points more than in primary school), when the pressure to construct one's adult identity and choose one's future profession are put in place. Raising awareness of these stereotypes, and seeking to combat them together, constitutes part of the solution.

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Avantex Fashion Pitch rewards the best projects innovative fashion and textiles from July 4 to 6, 2022. Apply before June 15!

This event hosted by Avantex Paris, an international innovation exhibition for efficient and sustainable fashion, offers fashion and textile startups international visibility with investors, professionals and media in the sector, with of course a grand prize for the winner. !

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The Texworld Evolution Paris trade shows return from July 4 to 6, 2022

Texworld Evolution Paris highlights the offers of the main international players in Textiles and clothing. On this occasion, we designed a program of transversal round tables, focused on solutions to contemporary challenges developed by fashion and textile players. The round tables promote new and unique approaches, encourage discussions around the transformation of the fashion sector in the current context with ecological and economic sustainability in mind.

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Gender review

Women, Gender, History opens its columns to those who carry out research in the history of women and gender (all societies and all periods). Organized around a theme (case studies, research news, documents, testimonies and interviews etc.), this journal is attentive to the multidisciplinary dimension and publishes articles from Varia. She is currently attached to the CNRS Gender Institute.

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